C: A simple or complicated problem with a high level of conflict
Even though this situation is not very complex, the conflict has escalated to the degree that it may become destructive to those directly or indirectly involved.

Square C
- A conflict that has escalated this far risks spreading. As more people become involved and as it moves more towards violence, the chances of it becoming more complex increase. This will make it more challenging to manage than it already is.
- There is a risk of a conflict in this (red) zone becoming destructive. People could be injured or economic damage may result.
General suggestions to manage the conflict
- It is essential to de-escalate the conflict and reduce the risk of violence or damage.
- Consider getting support from someone with experience of conflicts on how best to handle the conflict
- Joint meetings should be well prepared and preferably led by an experienced facilitator or mediator.
- It is a good idea to make one-on-one contact with the parties before a joint meeting to discuss particularly charged issues
- Avoid any unilateral decisions or actions. Include stakeholders as much as possible
- If there is an organisational hierarchy, leadership and management need to be informed of the situation and regularly updated
- Illegal incidents should be reported to the police, and staff should be given professional support
- In extremely conflictual situations, a mediator should be called in.